About Us

Who We Are


What do we do?

Broadly we function as virtual administrators, but more specifically we have three main areas of service; by training and experience, we specialize in grant writing, small business and personal bookkeeping, as well as personal income tax preparation. In all of these areas we have significant experience and a nuanced approach.

If you are needing to outsource a different administrative task, don’t hesitate to reach out and inquire. We are committed to growth and further training and are regularly expanding our profile of skills.


Who are we?

We are a new, family owned business that desires to serve friends and community with commitment and quality service. This is a core value in both our lives and business.

When and where can we connect?

As we primarily function in a virtual capacity, most often we can be reached here at our website under the Connect With Us tab! Further to that we can be reached at our office at Upper Maclure Road in Abbotsford via phone (604.626.1584) or email (pcdwal@outlook.com).

Our normal hours of business are 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday. We can often be reached after hours as well by calling the main telephone number. Feel free to leave a message and we will be in contact within 24 hours.


Why are we incorporated?

We are a duly incorporated business and function as such. We want to do things correctly and with integrity, making this value part of our function. Our desire is to serve our community with these values in mind, providing a meaningful service at a reasonable price that will enhance the lives of our clients.


We seek to support our community by creating administrative solutions for individuals and small businesses